Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The World Clock - Time Zones

When it comes to online gaming one common problem arises: we live in different time zones. That means we sleep, work, party, play etc at different "times" even if we all sleep 00:00 - 06:00.

When people in Central europe aka CET aka GMT+1 with DST ppl go to work, people in America aka CDT going to bed

On world clock one can observe different timezones at any given time. If that page doesn't work or there is simply too much info on it, use current time in UTC. There is a difference between GMT and UTC, but for the purpose of gaming and arranging events the difference is neglectable.
To plan an event you can use meeting planner. If that is an overkill, all events should be planned in UTC/GMT  and attendees should make a calculation on their own, account for DST and so on. GMT does not account for DST. So, CET is GMT+1 DST. That means that is is +1 from GMT when DST is not active (autumn and winter) and +2 from GMT when DST is active (spring and summer).

Here are CDT, UTC and CET.




GMT: Greenwich Mean Time
DST: Daylight saving time
CET: Central European Time
UTC: Coordinated Universal Time
CDT/CST: Central Time Zone

1 comment:

  1. http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/gmt-7/
