Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Progress pix - before and after situation

It has been a while since last post - I was ill. I am better now and I actually went to the gym today. But I will not write about that. I will post some before - after pix instead.
Before shot taken in August 2010
After shot taken in January 2011
 Some progress was made. I was on a diet only last 5 weeks of 2010; the rest is from working out and low intensity cardio (around 1 hour total per week). The weight remained pretty much the same - 93kgs (205lbs).

Thursday, January 6, 2011

1st workout in 2011

Since I didnt feel too good I skipped the 1st planned workout on Monday 2011-01-03. That means that I will shift all suqat exercises for one week (if you look at the last december post you will see the chart).

So I hit the gym on 2010-01-05. I was not in optimal condition but the workout was not a bad one:

  • pullup -30/8,8,RP(9,5,4,4)
  • bent bb row 45/8,8,8,8,8,8 25/20,20,20
  • abs - legraises 0/12,9,12
  • abs crunches 0/20,20
  • lat pulldown 55/8,8,8,8,8,8
  • triceps cable extensions 15/12,12,12,RP(5,5,5,5,5,5)
The pullups were assisted, that is why the -30.

On this workout I used three new supplements:
I used 50% of what they specify as perscribed dose. The effect was noticable and I would not recomend you the full dose in the beginning as it is quite strong. If you believe that will not give you enough protein (amions, BCAAs) or carbs simply enhance the drink with that. Note that I had the workout at 15:00, last meal (chicken breasts) at 13:00 and hellburner (1 pill) at 10:00. Next time (on Friday) I will nto use the Hellburner that day. The fact that I was not in optimal condition (my health that is) might have had some effect on that as well. I will not use Hellburner next time and we will see how things will turn out.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


On 2010-12-30 I wasn't feeling all that well but I decided to hit the gym and get that 90% incline bench press in. I did it and I was not dissapointed (nor was I too happy about ti, but...).

The following night and the next few days were not so cool. I didnt feel so good, I had a cold along with all the nasty thing it brings along.

Luckley today (4 days after) everything seems to be in order and I will hit the gmy if the recovery will continue. Hopefully the consequences will not be the same...