got a question or 2 about my Getting in shape (and staying there) article via e-mail and decided to write the answers here.
Q: is this the perfect most optimal state of art best ever workout program?
A: no
no single training program is such. this is a a solid base for those who need a good statting point and should work for a year or two.
Q: is supplement XXX gonna gelp me with this program
A: perhaps
Q: what suplement is a must on this program
A: none. balanced diet will do, there are examples in the original post who, that should prove useful
Q: i know you're hiding the secret list of suplements i must use to succeed
A: multivitamin, whey, maltodextrin, creatine, beta alanine (now shut up)
Q: will i win mrOlympia with this program
A: no. you might get a good base
Q: noone i know likes this program or does it
A: "there is more than one way to do it"
Q: you forgot biceps curls
A: add them where you see fit. or don't. most upper body exercises use your biceps triceps and shoulders. when the time is right and you'll get the experience you will know when you need to do that set or 5 for biceps on the end of the workout session
Q: i like to do exercise XXX can I do that and where
A: yes, just add it in. try not to substitute. try to use common sense
Q: I would like to mix and match the exercises for a bit
A: good, but see if you can stick to the program for 4 or so months first
Q: how should I mix&match and add new exercises
A: stick with this for a few months, change, see if it better, get back to original program if it is not or consult with someone
Q: when should I get off this program / change this program
A: when progression stops. Do not give up too soon. If it works, let the program run its course and do the magic for you. If it stops you might want to try a bit harder. If there is no progress for another month, mix and match, turn the things around, perhaps move the multijoint movements around.
Q: what is the perfect most optimal program for you
A: you'll figure it along the way. give yourself some time and credit, test out new things. general idea would be to stick to this for a year or two. after that, see what you want to change and see if it actually works better for you
Q: should i use gear / assessiories / belt / gloves / hooks
A: nothing except rubber padded gloves (dont go for leather, use neopren or so) until you are messing around with more than your bodyweight. After that, use your own judgement and common sense. Try not to look silly eg doing machines with belt on, doing crunches with belt on etc
Q: should i roar when i lift weights
A: perhaps
heh :)