Monday, July 25, 2011

Getting in shape (and staying there)

How does one "get in shape" and stay there. How to fight the rebound? On on so many different sites there is oh so much different info on getting in shape that the newcommer is confused and the veteran is amused. All things in moderation and moderation in all things. Get safe slow steady and certain progress. How?

Many different aproaches, views and explanations etc are possible, but they all boil down to the same principles and ideas. In this article I will try to give you the HOW to train WHAT to eat WHAT to avoid without the excessive amounts of WHY. Pure, simple, proven to work, free.

Getting in shape part 1 - where do YOU fit in (and does it really matter)
Look at yourself in the mirror. Are you fat? somewhat skinny but with a big belly (sometimes known as beer belly)? skinny? somewhat muscular and want to improve (also known as awerage?). Are your abs visible?

No matter what the anser is, the the way to progress is the same... the only difference is how long it will take you to get there. As for the reboud part, the key is not to suffer too much while getting there. That will keep you from wanting to rebound and ruin everything you worked for.

The goals:
  • look better
  • get leaner
  • get stronger
  • get bigger
  • get healthier

Getting in shape part 2 - training and nutrition sumplified to the point where it becomes useful
Choosing option a will make an average looking person out of you, with some extra muscle / strength that will not be all that visible. You should learn to count your callories and macronutrients (protein, carbs, fat) and get them in balance. For example, if you are 6 feet tall you should go for 2500 calorie diet. Those callories should come from 200g of protein, 200g of carbs and 100g of fat. go to the grocery store, read the labels, mix and match until you get the numbers close to the 2500cal / 200g prot / 100 g fat / 200 g carbs. This and some sane exercise will work. You do not need expensive supplements. If I were you I would limit to multivitamins, omega3 and whey for the first 12 months, see how that works for you and if you need any more (if you do you failed at consistent training and eating, thus you dont really). An example of sane exercise program is:
  • 3x a week for 45 mins total
  • 5 different exercises per day, 5 sets per excercise,
  • each set is 12 reps, each set should take about 40 seconds
  • 1 minute rest between sets, 1 extra minute between exercises
Getting in shape part 3 - how to work out (actual workout)
For those who lack imagination and need more exact guidelines, here is a GOOD workout program (written by IronAddict):

1st workout / Monday
  • Squat or box squat 2-3 x 5
  • Glute/Ham Raises or pullthroughs 3 x 10
  • Bent Row or Chest Supported row 4 x 6
  • Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8
  • Calf Raises 3 x 15
2nd workout 1 day later / Wednesday
  • Bench Press 3 x 5, or 3 x 3
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 8
  • Military or Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8
  • Skull Crushers 3 x 10
  • Ab work 3 x 10
3rd workout 1 day later / Friday
  • Deadlift or rack deadlift 2-3 x 5
  • Leg press 2 x 10
  • Chin or lat pull-down 4 x 6
  • Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8
  • Calf Raises 3 x 15
4th workout After TWO DAYS OFF / Monday
  • Incline bench press or Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 5, or 3 x 3
  • Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 8
  • Military or Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8
  • Tricep pushdowns 3 x 10
  • Ab work 3 x 10 Monday
Repeat workout 1

Notes: Sets are NOT taken to failure, at least 1 rep short, or to the point RIGHT before form starts to break down. If you do not recover well, reduce 1 set from each of the lifts. Rep cadence is explosive on the positive, controlled on the negative, no need to count cadence. After warm-ups use the same weight for all sets. If you cannot get all the sets with the same weight, the weight is too heavy.

Check the youtube on how to perform the exercises. Try to look at a few different executions as some ppl post shit that plain sux. If you find some nice vids you might want to let me know via msg / comment and I'll add it for future reference.
You can mix and match the alst 3 exercises of the day. You need to do the first two exercises. Most of the time you should not change stuff if you dont know why you are mixing it.

Getting in shape part 4 - nutrition (meal example)
As for the diet, here is an example of a simple diet plan. It includes some basic supplements.

  • Whey Protein, 50 gram(s) 191 2 2 42
  • Oatmeal, 40 gram 149 23 3 5
  • Peanuts, 50 gram 310 7 25 13
  • Whey Protein, 15 gram(s) 57 1 1 13
  • Whey Protein, 30 gram(s) 115 1 1 25
  • Peanuts, 50 gram 310 7 25 13
Snack on a training day
  • workout shakes,xx g, 514 66 2 63
Snack on nontraining day
  • Egg, fresh, 3 large 210 0 15 19
  • Green Olives, 100 grams 145 4 15 1
  • Cheese in saltwater, 50 gram 153 1 14 8
  • BeefSteak , 200 gram 249 1 8 43
Before Bed
  • Protein , 30 gram 112 1 1 26
  • Oatmeal, 25 gram 93 15 2 3

Additional guidelines:
  • Feel free to mix and match things.
  • It is ok to replace whey with eggs.
  • It is ok to replace oatmel with rice.
  • It is ok to replace peanuts with soem other nuts.
  • It is ok to replace beef with poultry
  • It is ok to have some variety
  • Etc...

Getting in shape part 5 - execution plan
Take before pictures. Sticking to a sensible nutrition plan is more important than sticking to a gym plan (that means you NEED to to to ght gym but you might skip or swap an exercise on occassion) but for best results you need to stick to the plan.

You will notice results in 2 to three weeks. The rest of the world will notice results in 2 months. After 2 months you need to cut yourself some slack. Take the progress pictures and compare them. Rest and grab a pizza or two fot a week or 2.  Afterthat you are ready for the next 2 months.

After 4 months of consistency you should compare your before and after pictures. If you followed the program that says:
  • eat according to plan
  • 3x/week in the gym working out hard
You will be impressed by the results you'll get.

Other things that you should be aware of:
- if you dont eat fish (salmon etc) 2x a week buy omega3 caps
- you should buy multivitamin, most will be ok
- you need to move around. or do some cardio. dont need to overdo it and exhaust yourself... just do some walking. 30 to 60 minutes of walking every other day is ok, increase the pace or so in the hill once you get used to it
- dont focus on the wrong things and details. dont buy overpriced overhyped marketing / supplements
- last but not the least important: aditional suplements will help (some at least). They are neither needed nor will they make a big diference... at least not until you're ready to go on stage.

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