Friday, December 31, 2010

1st macro completed, 2nd starts on 2011-01-03

This are the numbers (in kg) for the 2nd macro that will begin on 2011-01-03. 

The 1RMs used for the calculation are (based on results gathered from 2010-12-24 to 2010-12-30):
smith squat 1RM: 90kg
pullup 1RM: 0 (bodyweight, around 95kg)
dead 1RM: 95kg
incline bb bench press 1RM: 70kg

The numbers used for the first cycle (based on results from 2010-11-29):
smith squat 1RM: 70kg
pullup 1RM: 0 (bodyweight, around 95kg)
dead 1RM: 75kg
incline bb bench press 1RM: 60kg

One might say this is quite an impressive progress... that or the numbers for first cycle were not accurate (too low). Will  see how the 2nd cycle goes.

Finally the numbers for 1st macro
1st macro (2010-11-29 to 2010-12-30)


Monday, December 27, 2010

the ultimate dieting secret

Eternal question: What diet is going to make me loose weight?
A simple answer: as long as a diet gets you to eat less, you will lose some weight.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ketogenic day - tasty meals

Today was another grand day. The highlight of the day was my delicious lunch (on the picture). On top of that I managed to get more or less optimal ketogenic split (0% carbs, 40% prots, 60% fat) - see the attaced food report. For all you interested in how to eat tasty ketogenic food there is my daily menu. On images are my daily menu and a breakdown of callories. Click on the images for larger (readable pictures). As you can see on the top chart (food variety) I ate a variety of foods (and even there I left out my daily Hi-Tec slow release protein, the vitamin pills, the mineral pills, 1 spoon of flax seed oil, 2 omega3 fishoil pills. The foods of the day were: cattfish, greek cheese (feta), eggs, cottage cheese, tun, olives, jalapeno peppers, mozzarella, onions, walnuts, mayonnaise, peanut butter, whey protein (for the PWO - post workout shake) and edam cheese. Quite a list, don't you think?

The tools used for the menu and ts analysis are curtesty of SparkPeople. If you are wondering how to track your diet this might be the place to go. Also check my lowcarb cookbook a list of ketogenic means (well, more or less, do be careful and check the nutrient breakdown) hosted by SparkRecepies.

Note: I am in now way affiliated with SparkPeople; just a satisfied (and therefore happy) user.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Peak Hellburner is here

True to their word Profitness shop sent me the fatburner they forgot to send 2 days ago and I am ready to give good riddance to my fat with the (more or less) stylish "Burn in hell, fat!"

Here you can see the detiled specs in slovenian language and here is the manfacturers page.

This is a 5-stage fatburner product that is supposed to be even better than the rest of them without the niacin blush we can notice when taking Scivation Dialene 4x and without illegal additives like Ephedrine from the famous ECA stack (Note: the A in ECA is Asphirine and it turned out it did not have the expected effects and did not assst in gettign the results the users were aiming for - so do not eat Asphirine to loose weight!).

I am going to test this and I already made the before photos. If time shows the after photos will be different enough to display them both in comparison I will let you know - by posting them on this blog :)

You can see how it goes by reading this blog or you can join me on my jurney by buying Peak Hellburner (click for link to the shop).

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Just received a package of Peak supplements I ordered from

Just received a package of Peak supplements I ordered from Profitnes. The taste fits the bill and the packaging is solid. Actually too solid for the rectangle shaped big bos (see the picture). The lid is too attached to the box and when I pulled hard enough the protein sprinkled on the table... not much tho.

The bundle, notice the handles on the big box and the bucket
The package included all ordered products, except one. I called the shop and they apologised and said they will send it now and I should b getting it tomorrow.
The can with bigger oppening is more practical

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ketogenic diet - ketogenic meals

There is a lot of talk about low-carb ketogenic diets but no clear ketogenic diet cookbook. Most resources just list the "acceptable foods" and let you figure out what to do with that - that is, how to make meals from food.

Looking at the list of acceptable foods one can quickly see some "key" ingridients are either missing or on the forbidden foods list. This fact alone hits you with incredible amount of negative energy and bad mood.All good things about the diet all praise, dreams and hopes it gave you - it all crumbles to dust - just becouse you can't see how to fit those things into a proper meal.

Some people actually start with the diet, eat 3 eggs in the moring, can of tuna for brunch, chicken breasts for lunch, another tuna/egg combo for snack and finish with cottage cheese before they hit the sack. When they wake up they repeat, juggling those 5 different foods around.

This gets old. Fast. The weak minded give up after a week. The stronger give up after 2 weeks when the first cheatweekend comes up and they figure out how good "the other" food used to taste. The focused dedicated and really strong people persist and do not stray, hoping for the weekend to come so they can get some chetmeal in. The not so smart of the bunch only eat those 5 on weekdays and lots of crap carbs on weekend, achieving one or another type of disease, bash the diet for it and well, fix their health and jump on another diet program so they can abuse and blame that.

Those few who add wits to persistance choose the smart cards for cheat meals and eventually add other food to weekday as well. In the following posts I shall explore some of the possible meals, based around:
- a lot of protein
- some fat
- as little carsa as possible
- taste
- variety
- prep time
- portability (take-away, home, to work, to school... meals)

ketogenic breakfast
ketogenic lunch

Sunday, November 14, 2010

to be a team player in this day and age

What does it mean to be a team player in this day and age? Who are we to say? Do the following links tell the whole story:

Pearls before swine comic:

Basic Instructions comics:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sončna očala po najnižjih cenah

Naletel sem na stran s sončnimi očali po noro nizkih cenah. Vseeno je vse originalno - v paketu sem dobil škatlico certifikat in serijsko. Preveri na!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Another day in paradise

...on earth. Or is it? Due to complete lack of time I neglected everything from gaming to blogging to... well, everything.

It seems to me that on day 2 day basics we hardly get time to breathe eat sleep work and occasionally see the insides of the shower; not necessarily in that order. Activities that do not fall in one of those categories are lux.

And just when you think you “just finish this one last tiny task and you will be free” you realize there more just around the corner. So you need to say stop right now, thank you very much and actually do just that. Stop and take some time to smell the roses. I opted for digital roses in a virtual world of BATMud – Was fun to talk to some of the old friends.

oh well

Friday, April 30, 2010

LoL Time and CET Time

League Of Legends (LoL) time id PDT aka UTC-7 aka GMT-7. CET time is UTC+1 aka GMT+1.

Friday maint is 01:00 - 05:00 PDT aka 09:00 - 13:00 CET (8:00 - 12:00 UTC).

Los Angeles

Ljubljana, SI

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An attempt to start a team


The World Clock - Time Zones

When it comes to online gaming one common problem arises: we live in different time zones. That means we sleep, work, party, play etc at different "times" even if we all sleep 00:00 - 06:00.

When people in Central europe aka CET aka GMT+1 with DST ppl go to work, people in America aka CDT going to bed

On world clock one can observe different timezones at any given time. If that page doesn't work or there is simply too much info on it, use current time in UTC. There is a difference between GMT and UTC, but for the purpose of gaming and arranging events the difference is neglectable.
To plan an event you can use meeting planner. If that is an overkill, all events should be planned in UTC/GMT  and attendees should make a calculation on their own, account for DST and so on. GMT does not account for DST. So, CET is GMT+1 DST. That means that is is +1 from GMT when DST is not active (autumn and winter) and +2 from GMT when DST is active (spring and summer).

Here are CDT, UTC and CET.




GMT: Greenwich Mean Time
DST: Daylight saving time
CET: Central European Time
UTC: Coordinated Universal Time
CDT/CST: Central Time Zone

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

LOLing around in multiplayer battle arens ; League Of Legends

A week or two ago I was introduced to League Of Legends ; a friend showed it to me (*** him, the game is rather adictive). More info about the game can be found on or its EU counterpart

As the name suggests, the game is a LoL. I like it. It is a DOTA (defense of the ancients, a warcraft 3 mod) clone with some improvements. I like it.

The game is a real time strategy (RTS) that goes straight to action. No building, no preparations. Create and account. Tat way you get yourself a summoner. Summoner (you) controlls chamopin (a hero you choose for the duration of one battle). There are many (more then 30) heroies to choose from. (un)fortunately (for the minmaxer in you at least) they  are rather well ballanced. But that does not mean some will suit you more then other as they are rather different when it comes to their abilities. Select your here (called champion) and run into the arena, engage in battle with other champions - player controlled heroes (or boots) and kill netral monster for boosts. To add more to the game there towers that defend bases and computer controlled minions who attack the first enemy champion / tower they see. Apart from getting better when you learn how to play the game, summoner (you) gain some easily distributable stats (ripped from wolrd of warcraft talent trees). WoW players will be pleased - reallocation of points (talents / masteries) is as easy as clicking, no gold farming.

If you have the time & will to try it, please do use this link: ; it will give mesome referral points.

I compiled a few links ; here they are:
In game, my name is Turbo Loonie. Come, let's have some fun!